Josh Steinberg

Software Engineer

About Me

Through the flames of the kitchen I have emerged from the culinary world to transition from a chef to follow my path as a software engineer. Combining my previously attained skills of creativity, dynamic problem solving, attention to detail, teamwork, and orchestration of many components under pressure in a fast paced environment, has allowed me to progress quickly in gaining understanding of various software technologies.

profile photo


A selection of the languages and technologies I have gained experience in.


Culinary Umami

A recipe search, share, and management app. User can create new recipes, like recipes, and dynamically search the entire database by ingredient.


A community initiative crowdfunding site, influenced by Kickstarter


A clone of Untappd for homebrewers, which gives users the ability to share their homebrews, rate, and review beers.


A Remember The Milk clone, is a todo-list application that allows users to create todo-lists and tasks in order to stay productive.

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